Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Halloween 102 - Spooktacular

All great holiday decor starts with the door, it is after all how your guests enter.
So on to how I made my Halloween Spooktacular Wreath

Step 1: Grapevine wreath - I got mine at Micheal's

Step 2: Randomly glue Spanish Moss to wreath - I used a hot glue gun

Step 3: Pull the hot glue gun strings throughout the Spanish Moss,  this adds a spider web look as well as assists with keeping the moss from blowing away in the wind. 

Step 4: Anchor Spanish Moss even more by gluing leaves throughout

Step 5: Add larger decor pieces - for me this was 2 crows on top and large skull at the bottom, again hot gluing to secure Spanish Moss

Step 6: Fill in the wreath with remaining creepy smaller decor ...

Step 7: Spray wreath all over with sealant (Rustoleum Protective Enamel), helps with wind and rain

Friday, October 1, 2010

Halloween 101 - Gather Your Ideas

Before any holiday I search the web high and low for my inspiration.  I go to Micheal's at least a half a dozen times, then the ever so trusty HomeGoods, Target, and Walmart ... Gathering ideas is where my creative juices just start flowing.
This is the first of a series of posts about how we will decorate our domicile (sounds scarier than home) for Halloween this year.  I feel the need to make sure that within each room there is some element that has a expected twist.  Below are some of my ideas:

Martha Stewart   
Martha Stewart
Martha Stewart

These are only just a few of pictures I am using for this year... I also find so much inspiration each day in the parties I attend (check out the Party Time page) and the blogs I read daily.