Thursday, September 23, 2010

Dollar Store Ghosts

Happy Halloween!!  I know it is early but early is in the eyes of the reader right?? Any whos, I started pulling out all the decorations from last year, determining how I can step it up this year AND keep on a budget ...
In comes The Dollar Store, next random stuff around the house ... and this is what you end up with ...

Collect needed supplies:
- Bag of Skulls - Dollar Store
- Random pieces of fabric, varying textures
- Tea bags
- Needle and thread - I love the little sewing kits from hotels :)
- Glue (i used glue gun and Gorilla glue)

- Use tea bags to make dying solution
- Soak fabric in solution for varying amounts of time

- Allow fabric to dry
- Cut varying sizes

- Stack various fabrics on top of each other
- Bunch center, and bring to a point
- Sew pieces together and form the point
      (I just did a quick cris cross over the top and

       tied it off)

- Attach the head
- Add a little flare to separate the girl ghosts from

Once everything dries you end up with this:


  1. oh, what a great idea! i just bought a couple of those bags of skulls. somehow, that seems wrong typing that, lol! i don't think it's early-i've seen a few linkups about xmas. and mark my words, as soon as halloween is over these people will be all over xmas crafts!

  2. This is such a great idea! Thanks so much for sharing.

  3. The tea dying gives them just the right amount of color to make them look like very ancient ghosts, indeed! Thank you for joining us at A Crafty Soiree! I hope you'll come back next week and link up again!

  4. super duper clever and scary (in a good way)

  5. Love the way you separated the girls from the boys! These are too cute.......thanks for sharing.
